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Atomic structures of symmetric tilt grain boundaries in hexagonal close packed (hcp) crystals." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (2012): 024002.
"Atomic-level study of twin nucleation from fcc/bcc interfaces in nanolamellar composites." Applied Physics Letters 100 (2012): 011911.
"Atomic-scale study of nucleation of dislocations from fcc–bcc interfaces." Acta Materialia 60 (2012): 2855-2865.
"Bulk texture evolution of Cu–Nb nanolamellar composites during accumulative roll bonding." Acta Materialia 60 (2012): 1576-1586.
"A comparison of texture results obtained using precession electron diffraction and neutron diffraction methods at diminishing length scales in ordered bimetallic nanolamellar composites." Scripta Materialia 67 (2012): 336-339.
"Deformation twinning mechanisms from bimetal interfaces as revealed by in situ straining in the TEM." Acta Materialia 60 (2012): 5858-5866.
"Dislocation-induced anomalous softening of solid helium." Philosophical Magazine Letters 92 (2012): 608-616.
"Double twinning mechanisms in magnesium alloys via dissociation of lattice dislocations." Proceedings of the Royal Society A 468 (2012): 1496-1520.
"Elastic fields of dislocation loops in three-dimensional anisotropic bimaterials." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (2012): 418-431.
"The heterophase interface character distribution of physical vapor-deposited and accumulative roll-bonded Cu–Nb multilayer composites." Acta Materialia 60 (2012): 1747-1761.
"Interfacially driven deformation twinning in bulk Ag-Cu composites." JOM 64 (2012): 1218-1226.
"Minimum energy structures of faceted, incoherent interfaces." Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012): 073501.
"Misfit strain relaxation mechanisms in core/shell nanowires." JOM 64 (2012): 1258-1262.
"Nucleation of elementary and twinning dislocations at a twin boundary in hexagonal close-packed crystals." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (2012): 024001.
"Role of twinning and slip during compressive deformation of beryllium as a function of strain rate." International Journal of Plasticity 29 (2012): 120-135.
"Structure and property of interfaces in ARB Cu/Nb laminated composites." JOM 64 (2012): 1208-1217.
"Structure–property–functionality of bimetal interfaces." JOM 64 (2012): 1192-1207.
"An atomistically-informed dislocation dynamics model for the plastic anisotropy and tension–compression asymmetry of BCC metals." International Journal of Plasticity 27 (2011): 1471-1484.
"Bridged crack models for the toughness of composites reinforced with curved nanotubes." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2011): 1938-1952.
"Dislocation nucleation mechanisms from fcc/bcc incoherent interfaces." Scripta Materialia 65 (2011): 1022-1025.
"Effect of microstructure on the nucleation of deformation twins in polycrystalline high-purity magnesium: A multi-scale modeling study." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2011): 988-1003.
"Influence of the stacking fault energy surface on partial dislocations in fcc metals with a three-dimensional phase field dislocations dynamics model." Physical Review B 84 (2011): 144108.
"Interface-facilitated deformation twinning in copper within submicron Ag–Cu multilayered composites." Scripta Materialia 64 (2011): 1083-1086.
"Microstructure, crystallographic texture, and plastic anisotropy evolution in an Mg alloy during equal channel angular extrusion processing." Materials Science and Engineering A 528 (2011): 7616-7627.
"A multi-scale statistical study of twinning in magnesium." JOM 63 (2011): 19-23.