
Found 491 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
L. Capolungo, P.E. Marshall, R.J. McCabe, I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Nucleation and growth of twins in Zr: a statistical study." Acta Materialia 57 (2009): 6047-6056.
J. Wang, R.G. Hoagland, J.P. Hirth, L. Capolungo, I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Nucleation of a (1012) twin in hexagonal close-packed crystals." Scripta Materialia 61 (2009): 903-906.
Z.Q. Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, and R. LeSar. "Plastic anisotropy in fcc single crystals in high rate deformation." International Journal of Plasticity 25 (2009): 26-48.
G.G. Yapici, C.N. Tomé, I.J. Beyerlein, I. Karaman, S.C. Vogel, and C. Liu. "Plastic flow anisotropy of pure zirconium after severe plastic deformation at room temperature." Acta Materialia 57 (2009): 4855-4865.
I.J. Beyerlein, P.K. Porwal, Y.T. Zhu, X.F. Xu, and S.L. Phoenix. "Probabilistic strength of carbon nanotube yarns." In Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures, 211-222. Vol. Jacob Aboudi. Springer, New York, 2009.
I.J. Beyerlein, P.K. Porwal, Y.T. Zhu, K. Hu, and X.F. Xu. "Scale and twist effects on the strength of nanostructured yarns and reinforced composites." Nanotechnology 20 (2009): 485702.
L. Capolungo, I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Slip-assisted twin growth in hexagonal close-packed metals." Scripta Materialia 60 (2009): 32-35.
I.J. Beyerlein, and L.S. Tóth. "Texture evolution in ECAE." In Bulk Nanostructured Materials, 387-421. Wiley-VCH, Germany, 2009.
I.J. Beyerlein, and L.S. Tóth. "Texture evolution in equal-channel angular extrusion." Progress in Materials Science 54 (2009): 427-510.
V.S. Zhernakov, I.N. Budilov, I.V. Alexandrov, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Comparison of the plastic strain distribution during equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) using 2D and 3D FEM modeling." International Journal of Materials Research 98 (2007): 178-183.
Z.Q. Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, and R. LeSar. "Dislocation motion in high strain-rate deformation." Philosophical Magazine 87 (2007): 2263-2279.
Z.Q. Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, and R. LeSar. "The importance of cross-slip in high-rate deformation." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 15 (2007): 675-690.
Q. Xue, I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and G.T. Gray III. "Mechanisms for initial grain refinement in OFHC copper during equal channel angular pressing." Acta Materialia 55 (2007): 655-668.
S. Li, A.A. Gazder, I.J. Beyerlein, C.H.J. Davies, and E.V. Pereloma. "Microstructure and texture evolution during equal channel angular extrusion of interstitial-free steel: Effects of die angle and processing route." Acta Materialia 55 (2007): 1017-1032.
I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Modeling transients in the mechanical response of copper due to strain path changes." International Journal of Plasticity 23 (2007): 640-664.
N.A. Enikeev, M.F. Abdullin, A.A. Nazarov, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Modelling grain refinement in fcc metals during equal-channel angular pressing by route “C”." International Journal of Materials Research 98 (2007): 167-171.
I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and C.N. Tomé. "Plastic anisotropy in aluminum and copper pre-strained by equal channel angular extrusion." Journal of Materials Science 42 (2007): 1733-1750.
