
Found 491 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
J.S. Carpenter, R.J. McCabe, J.R. Mayeur, N.A. Mara, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Interface-driven plasticity: The presence of an interface affected zone in metallic lamellar composites." Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (2015): 109-114.
I.J. Beyerlein, and J.R. Mayeur. "Mesoscale investigations for the evolution of interfaces in plasticity." Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 19 (2015): 203-211.
R.J. McCabe, A.W. Richards, D. Coughlin, K.D. Clarke, I.J. Beyerlein, and M. Knezevic. "Microstructure effects on the recrystallization of low-symmetry alpha-uranium." Journal of Nuclear Materials 465 (2015): 189-195.
I.J. Beyerlein, J.S. Carpenter, A. Hunter, L.S. Tóth, and W. Skrotzki. "Nano-enabled orientation alignment via extreme shear strains." Scripta Materialia 98 (2015): 52-55.
M. Knezevic, M. Zecevic, I.J. Beyerlein, A. Bhattacharyya, and R.J. McCabe. "Predicting texture evolution in Ta and Ta-10W alloys using polycrystal plasticity." JOM 67 (2015): 2670-2674.
R.J. McCabe, J.S. Carpenter, S.C. Vogel, N.A. Mara, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Recrystallization and grain growth in accumulative roll-bonded metal composites." JOM 67 (2015): 2810-2819.
A. Hunter, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Relationship between monolayer stacking faults and twins in nanocrystals." Acta Materialia 88 (2015): 207-217.
L. Cao, A. Hunter, I.J. Beyerlein, and M. Koslowski. "The role of partial mediated slip during quasi-static deformation of 3D nanocrystalline metals." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 78 (2015): 415-426.
M. Knezevic, M. Zecevic, I.J. Beyerlein, J.F. Bingert, and R.J. McCabe. "Strain rate and temperature effects on the selection of primary and secondary slip and twinning systems in HCP Zr." Acta Materialia 88 (2015): 55-73.
M. Ardeljan, M. Knezevic, T. Nizolek, I.J. Beyerlein, N.A. Mara, and T.M. Pollock. "A study of microstructure-driven strain localizations in two-phase polycrystalline HCP/BCC composites using a multi-scale model." International Journal of Plasticity 74 (2015): 35-57.
J.S. Carpenter, T. Nizolek, R.J. McCabe, S.J. Zheng, J.E. Scott, S.C. Vogel, N.A. Mara, T.M. Pollock, and I.J. Beyerlein. "The suppression of instabilities via biphase interfaces during bulk fabrication of nanograined Zr." Materials Research Letters 3 (2015): 50-57.
E. Martínez, A. Caro, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Atomistic modeling of defect-induced plasticity in CuNb nanocomposites." Physical Review B 90 (2014): 054103.
A. Hunter, R.F. Zhang, and I.J. Beyerlein. "The core structure of dislocations and their relationship to the material γ-surface." Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2014): 134314.
R.J. McCabe, I.J. Beyerlein, J.S. Carpenter, and N.A. Mara. "The critical role of grain orientation and applied stress in nanoscale twinning." Nature Communications 5 (2014): 3806.
M. Ardeljan, I.J. Beyerlein, and M. Knezevic. "A dislocation density based crystal plasticity finite element model: Application to a two-phase polycrystalline HCP/BCC composites." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 66 (2014): 16-31.
I.J. Beyerlein, J.R. Mayeur, S.J. Zheng, N.A. Mara, J. Wang, and A. Misra. "Emergence of stable interfaces under extreme plastic deformation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2014): 4386-4390.
S.J. Zheng, J.S. Carpenter, R.J. McCabe, I.J. Beyerlein, and N.A. Mara. "Engineering interface structures and thermal stabilities via SPD processing in bulk nanostructured metals." Scientific Reports 4 (2014): 4226.
A. Kumar, I.J. Beyerlein, and J. Wang. "First-principles study of the structure of Mg/Nb multilayers." Applied Physics Letters 105 (2014): 071602.
M. Lentz, A. Behringer, C. Fahrenson, I.J. Beyerlein, and W. Reimers. "Grain size effects on primary, secondary, and tertiary twin development in Mg-4wt%Li (-1wt %Al) alloys." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (2014): 4737-4741.
I.J. Beyerlein, X. Zhang, and A. Misra. "Growth twins and deformation twins in metals." Annual Review of Materials Research 44 (2014): 329-363.
J.R. Mayeur, I.J. Beyerlein, C.A. Bronkhorst, and H.M. Mourad. "The influence of grain interactions on the plastic stability of heterophase interfaces." Materials 7 (2014): 302-322.
E.K. Cerreta, W.Z. Han, N.A. Mara, I.J. Beyerlein, J.S. Carpenter, S.J. Zheng, C.P. Trujillo, P.O. Dickerson, and A. Misra. "The influence of rolling schedule on the dynamic properties of accumulatively roll bonded nano-layered Cu-Nb." Key Engineering Materials 622-623 (2014): 1031-1040.
I.J. Beyerlein, J.R. Mayeur, R.J. McCabe, S.J. Zheng, J.S. Carpenter, and N.A. Mara. "Influence of slip and twinning on the crystallographic stability of bimetal interfaces in nanocomposites under deformation." Acta Materialia 72 (2014): 137-147.
M. Lentz, R. Coelho, B. Camin, C. Fahrenson, N. Schaefer, S. Selve, T. Link, I.J. Beyerlein, and W. Reimers. "In-situ, ex-situ EBSD and (HR-) TEM analyses of primary, secondary and tertiary twin development in an Mg–4wt% Li alloy." Materials Science and Engineering A 610 (2014): 54-64.
J. Wang, R.F. Zhang, C.Z. Zhou, I.J. Beyerlein, and A. Misra. "Interface dislocation patterns and dislocation nucleation in face-centered-cubic and body-centered-cubic bicrystal interfaces." International Journal of Plasticity 53 (2014): 40-55.
