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C.H. Zhou, L.S. Schadler, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Time-dependent micromechanical behavior in graphite/epoxy composites under constant load: a combined experimental and theoretical study." Acta Materialia 50 (2002): 365-377.
C.Z. Zhou, J.J. Su, M.J. Graf, C. Reichhardt, A. Balatsky, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Dislocation-induced anomalous softening of solid helium." Philosophical Magazine Letters 92 (2012): 608-616.
C.Z. Zhou, J.J. Su, M.J. Graf, C. Reichhardt, A.V. Balatsky, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Plastic response of dislocation glide in solid helium under dc strain-rate loading." Physical Review B 88 (2013): 024513.
C.H. Zhou, L.S. Schadler, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Stress concentrations in graphite/epoxy model composites during creep at room temperature and elevated temperatures." Journal of Composite Materials 38 (2004): 417-433.
C.H. Zhou, I.J. Beyerlein, and L.S. Schadler. "Time-dependent micromechanical behavior in graphite/epoxy composites under constant load at elevated temperatures." Journal of Materials Science 38 (2003): 877-884.
C.Z. Zhou, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Random organization in periodically driven gliding dislocations." Physics Letters A 378 (2014): 1675-1678.
C.Z. Zhou, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Dynamic phases, pinning, and pattern formation for driven dislocation assemblies." Scientific Reports 5 (2015): 8000.
C.Z. Zhou, C. Reichhardt, M.J. Graf, J.J. Su, A.V. Balatsky, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Comment on “Giant plasticity of a quantum crystal”." Physical Review Letters 111 (2013): 119601.
Zhou, Xinran, Xinyi Wang, Lauren Fey, Sicong He, Irene Beyerlein, Penghui Cao, and Jaime Marian. "Models of dislocation glide and strengthening mechanisms in bcc complex concentrated alloys." MRS Bulletin 48 (2023): 777-789.
Y.T. Zhu, J.A. Valdez, I.J. Beyerlein, S.J. Zhou, C. Liu, M.G. Stout, D.P. Butt, and T.C. Lowe. "Mechanical properties of bone-shaped-short-fiber reinforced composites." Acta Materialia 47 (1999): 1767-1781.
Y.T. Zhu, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Bone-shaped short fiber composites—an overview." Materials Science and Engineering A 326 (2002): 208-227.
Y.T. Zhu, I.J. Beyerlein, J.A. Valdez, and T.C. Lowe. "Fracture toughness of a composite reinforced with bone-shaped short fibers." Materials Science and Engineering A 317 (2001): 93-100.
Y.T. Zhu, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Issues on the design of bone-shaped short fiber composites." Journal of Advanced Materials 35 (2003): 51-60.
Zhu, Yuntian, Kei Ameyama, Peter M. Anderson, Irene J. Beyerlein, Huajian Gao, Hyoung Seop Kim, Enrique Lavernia, Suveen Mathaudhu, Hael Mughrabi, Robert O. Ritchie et al. "Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction." Materials Research Letters 9 (2021): 1-31.
Zou, Xiao-Wei, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Wei-Zhong Han. "Hierarchical Nanolayered Structures-Enabled Record-High Fracture Resistant Zircaloy." Acta Materialia (2024): 120300.
Zou, Xiao-Wei, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Wei-Zhong Han. "Hierarchical nanolayered structures-enabled record-high fracture resistant zircaloy." Acta Materialia 279 (2024): 120300.
