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Zecevic, Miroslav, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Activity of pyramidal I and II slip in Mg alloys as revealed by texture development." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 111 (2018): 290-307.
Latypov, Marat I., Markus Kühbach, Irene J. Beyerlein, Jean-Charles Stinville, Laszlo S. Toth, Tresa M. Pollock, and Surya R. Kalidindi. "Application of chord length distributions and principal component analysis for quantification and representation of diverse polycrystalline microstructures." Materials Characterization 145 (2018): 671-685.
Wang, Min, Irene J. Beyerlein, Jian Zhang, and Wei-Zhong Han. "Defect-interface interactions in irradiated Cu/Ag nanocomposites." Acta Materialia 160 (2018): 211-223.
Eghtesad, Adnan, Kai Germaschewski, Irene J. Beyerlein, Abigail Hunter, and Marko Knezevic. "Graphics processing unit accelerated phase field dislocation dynamics: Application to bi-metallic interfaces." Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018): 248-267.
Nugmanov, Dayan, Marko Knezevic, Milovan Zecevic, Oleg Sitdikov, Michael Markushev, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "Origin of plastic anisotropy in (ultra)-fine-grained Mg–Zn–Zr alloy processed by isothermal multi-step forging and rolling: Experiments and modeling." Materials Science and Engineering: A 713 (2018): 81-93.
Jahedi, Mohammad, Brandon A. McWilliams, Franklin R. Kellogg, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Rate and temperature dependent deformation behavior of as-cast WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy manufactured by direct-chill casting." Materials Science and Engineering: A 712 (2018): 50-64.
Wang, Xin, Lin Jiang, Dalong Zhang, Irene J. Beyerlein, Subhash Mahajan, Timothy J. Rupert, Enrique J. Lavernia, and Julie M. Schoenung. "Reversed compressive yield anisotropy in magnesium with microlaminated structure." Acta Materialia 146 (2018): 12-24.
Subedi, Samikshya, Irene J. Beyerlein, Richard LeSar, and Anthony D. Rollett. "Strength of nanoscale metallic multilayers." Scripta Materialia 145 (2018): 132-136.
Kumar, Anil, Benjamin M. Morrow, Rodney J. McCabe, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "An atomic-scale modeling and experimental study of 〈c+a〉 dislocations in Mg." Materials Science and Engineering: A 695 (2017): 270-278.
Savage, Daniel J., Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Coupled texture and non-Schmid effects on yield surfaces of body-centered cubic polycrystals predicted by a crystal plasticity finite element approach." International Journal of Solids and Structures 109 (2017): 22-32.
Zecevic, Milovan, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Coupling elasto-plastic self-consistent crystal plasticity and implicit finite elements: Applications to compression, cyclic tension-compression, and bending to large strains." International Journal of Plasticity 93 (2017): 187-211.
Ghorbanpour, Saeede, Milovan Zecevic, Anil Kumar, Mohammad Jahedi, Jonathan Bicknell, Luke Jorgensen, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "A crystal plasticity model incorporating the effects of precipitates in superalloys: Application to tensile, compressive, and cyclic deformation of Inconel 718." International Journal of Plasticity 99 (2017): 162-185.
Ardeljan, Milan, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Effect of dislocation density-twin interactions on twin growth in AZ31 as revealed by explicit crystal plasticity finite element modeling." International Journal of Plasticity 99 (2017): 81-101.
Yuan, Rui, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Caizhi Zhou. "Homogenization of plastic deformation in heterogeneous lamella structures." Materials Research Letters 5 (2017): 251-257.
