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A single crystal plasticity finite element formulation with embedded deformation twins." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 133 (2019): 103723.
"Strength and ductility of bulk Cu/Nb nanolaminates exposed to extremely high temperatures." Scripta Materialia 166 (2019): 73-77.
"Strengthening of alloy AA6022-T4 by continuous bending under tension." Materials Science and Engineering: A 758 (2019): 47-55.
"Twin formation from a twin boundary in Mg during in-situ nanomechanical testing." Materials Science and Engineering: A 759 (2019): 142-153.
"Activity of pyramidal I and II slip in Mg alloys as revealed by texture development." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 111 (2018): 290-307.
"Application of chord length distributions and principal component analysis for quantification and representation of diverse polycrystalline microstructures." Materials Characterization 145 (2018): 671-685.
"Defect-interface interactions in irradiated Cu/Ag nanocomposites." Acta Materialia 160 (2018): 211-223.
"Graphics processing unit accelerated phase field dislocation dynamics: Application to bi-metallic interfaces." Advances in Engineering Software 115 (2018): 248-267.
"Origin of plastic anisotropy in (ultra)-fine-grained Mg–Zn–Zr alloy processed by isothermal multi-step forging and rolling: Experiments and modeling." Materials Science and Engineering: A 713 (2018): 81-93.
"Rate and temperature dependent deformation behavior of as-cast WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy manufactured by direct-chill casting." Materials Science and Engineering: A 712 (2018): 50-64.
"Reversed compressive yield anisotropy in magnesium with microlaminated structure." Acta Materialia 146 (2018): 12-24.
"Strength of nanoscale metallic multilayers." Scripta Materialia 145 (2018): 132-136.
"An atomic-scale modeling and experimental study of 〈c+a〉 dislocations in Mg." Materials Science and Engineering: A 695 (2017): 270-278.
"Coupled texture and non-Schmid effects on yield surfaces of body-centered cubic polycrystals predicted by a crystal plasticity finite element approach." International Journal of Solids and Structures 109 (2017): 22-32.
"Coupling elasto-plastic self-consistent crystal plasticity and implicit finite elements: Applications to compression, cyclic tension-compression, and bending to large strains." International Journal of Plasticity 93 (2017): 187-211.
"A crystal plasticity model incorporating the effects of precipitates in superalloys: Application to tensile, compressive, and cyclic deformation of Inconel 718." International Journal of Plasticity 99 (2017): 162-185.
"Effect of dislocation density-twin interactions on twin growth in AZ31 as revealed by explicit crystal plasticity finite element modeling." International Journal of Plasticity 99 (2017): 81-101.
"Homogenization of plastic deformation in heterogeneous lamella structures." Materials Research Letters 5 (2017): 251-257.