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D.J. Alexander, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Anisotropy in mechanical properties of high-purity copper processed by equal channel angular extrusion." Materials Science and Engineering A 410 (2005): 480-484.
S. Li, S.R. Kalidindi, and I.J. Beyerlein. "A crystal plasticity finite element analysis of texture evolution in equal channel angular extrusion." Materials Science and Engineering A 410 (2005): 207-212.
I.V. Alexandrov, M.V. Zhilina, A.V. Scherbakov, A.I. Korshunov, P.N. Nizovtsev, A.A. Smolyakov, V.P. Solovyev, I.J. Beyerlein, and R.Z. Valiev. "Formation of crystallographic texture during severe plastic deformation." Archives of Metallurgy and Materials 50 (2005): 281-294.
S. Mahesh, I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Loading-and substructure-induced irreversibility in texture during route C equal channel angular extrusion." Scripta Materialia 53 (2005): 965-969.
I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Modeling compression reloads in copper pre-strained by equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE)." Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 36 (2005): 541-545.
I.J. Beyerlein, S. Li, and D.J. Alexander. "Modeling the plastic anisotropy in pure copper after one pass of ECAE." Materials Science and Engineering A 410 (2005): 201-206.
S. Li, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Modelling texture evolution in equal channel angular extrusion of bcc materials: Effects of processing route and initial texture." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 13 (2005): 509-530.
I.J. Beyerlein, S. Li, C.T. Necker, D.J. Alexander, and C.N. Tomé. "Non-uniform microstructure and texture evolution during equal channel angular extrusion." Philosophical Magazine 85 (2005): 1359-1394.
T.O. Williams, and I.J. Beyerlein. "An overview of modeling damage evolution in materials." In Damage Prognosis: For Aerospace, Civil and Mechanical Systems, 13-59. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005.
J.C. Hanan, S. Mahesh, E. Üstündag, I.J. Beyerlein, G.A. Swift, B. Clausen, D.W. Brown, and M.A.M. Bourke. "Strain evolution after fiber failure in a single-fiber metal matrix composite under cyclic loading." Materials Science and Engineering A 399 (2005): 33-42.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and S.C. Vogel. "Texture evolution during equal channel angular extrusion: Effect of initial texture from experiment and simulation." Scripta Materialia 52 (2005): 1099-1104.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and S.C. Vogel. "Texture evolution during multi-pass equal channel angular extrusion of copper: Neutron diffraction characterization and polycrystal modeling." Acta Materialia 53 (2005): 2111-2125.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, and M.A.M. Bourke. "Texture formation during equal channel angular extrusion of fcc and bcc materials: Comparison with simple shear." Materials Science and Engineering A 394 (2005): 66-77.
