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Role of twinning on the omega-phase transformation and stability in zirconium." Acta Materialia 185 (2020): 211-217.
"Role of twinning on the omega-phase transformation and stability in zirconium." Acta Materialia 185 (2019).
"Strain fields induced by kink band propagation in Cu-Nb nanolaminate composites." Acta Materialia 133 (2017): 303-315.
"Anisotropic modeling of structural components using embedded crystal plasticity constructive laws within finite elements." International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 105 (2016): 227-238.
"Grain neighbour effects on twin transmission in hexagonal close packed materials." Nature Communications 7 (2016): 13826.
"Origin of texture development in orthorhombic uranium." Materials Science and Engineering A 665 (2016): 108-124.
"Texture formation in orthorhombic alpha-uranium under simple compression and rolling to high strains." Journal of Nuclear Materials 473 (2016): 143-156.
"Transitioning rate sensitivities across multiple length scales: Microstructure-property relationships in the Taylor cylinder impact test on zirconium." International Journal of Plasticity 84 (2016): 138-159.
"Bulk texture evolution of nanolamellar Zr–Nb composites processed via accumulative roll bonding." Acta Materialia 92 (2015): 97-108.
"Explicit incorporation of deformation twins into crystal plasticity finite element models." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 295 (2015): 396-413.
"Interface-driven plasticity: The presence of an interface affected zone in metallic lamellar composites." Advanced Engineering Materials 17 (2015): 109-114.
"Microstructure effects on the recrystallization of low-symmetry alpha-uranium." Journal of Nuclear Materials 465 (2015): 189-195.
"Predicting texture evolution in Ta and Ta-10W alloys using polycrystal plasticity." JOM 67 (2015): 2670-2674.
"Recrystallization and grain growth in accumulative roll-bonded metal composites." JOM 67 (2015): 2810-2819.
"Strain rate and temperature effects on the selection of primary and secondary slip and twinning systems in HCP Zr." Acta Materialia 88 (2015): 55-73.
"The suppression of instabilities via biphase interfaces during bulk fabrication of nanograined Zr." Materials Research Letters 3 (2015): 50-57.
"The critical role of grain orientation and applied stress in nanoscale twinning." Nature Communications 5 (2014): 3806.
"Engineering interface structures and thermal stabilities via SPD processing in bulk nanostructured metals." Scientific Reports 4 (2014): 4226.
"Influence of slip and twinning on the crystallographic stability of bimetal interfaces in nanocomposites under deformation." Acta Materialia 72 (2014): 137-147.
"A multi-scale model for texture development in Zr/Nb nanolayered composites processed by accumulative roll bonding." Journal of Materials Science 63 (2014): 012170.
"Processing parameter influence on texture and microstructural evolution in Cu-Nb multilayer composites fabricated via accumulative roll bonding." Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (2014): 2192-2208.
"A strain-rate and temperature dependent constitutive model for BCC metals incorporating non-Schmid effects: Application to tantalum–tungsten alloys." International Journal of Plasticity 62 (2014): 93-104.
"Interface-driven microstructure development and ultra high strength of bulk nanostructured Cu-Nb multilayers fabricated by severe plastic deformation." Journal of Materials Research 28 (2013): 1799-1812.
"Meso-scale modeling the orientation and interface stability of Cu/Nb-layered composites by rolling." JOM 65 (2013): 431-442.
"Modeling the texture evolution of Cu/Nb layered composites during rolling." International Journal of Plasticity 49 (2013): 71-84.