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Embedding strain-rate sensitivities of multiple deformation mechanisms to predict the behavior of a precipitate-hardened WE43 alloy under a wide range of strain rates." Mechanics of Materials 187 (2023): 104843.
"Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling of anisotropy, tension-compression asymmetry, and texture evolution of additively manufactured Inconel 718 at room and elevated temperatures." International Journal of Plasticity 125 (2020): 63-79.
"Mechanical behavior and texture evolution of WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy in Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar and Taylor Impact Cylinder Testing." International Journal of Impact Engineering 143 (2020): 103589.
"Rate and temperature dependent deformation behavior of as-cast WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy manufactured by direct-chill casting." Materials Science and Engineering: A 712 (2018): 50-64.