Found 9 results
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Filters: Author is Jean-Charles Stinville [Clear All Filters]
Application of chord length distributions and principal component analysis for quantification and representation of diverse polycrystalline microstructures." Materials Characterization 145 (2018): 671-685.
"Multiplicity of dislocation pathways in a refractory multiprincipal element alloy." Science 370 (2020): 95-101.
"Insight into microstructure-sensitive elastic strain concentrations from integrated computational modeling and digital image correlation." Scripta Materialia 192 (2021): 78-82.
"Modeling lattice rotation fields from discrete crystallographic slip bands in superalloys." Extreme Mechanics Letters 49 (2021): 101468.
"Development of grain-scale slip activity and lattice rotation fields in Inconel 718." Acta Materialia 226 (2022): 117627.
"Slip localization behavior at triple junctions in nickel-base superalloys." Acta Materialia 249 (2023): 118801.
"Role of microstructure on the development of local orientation gradients in polycrystals." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 33 (2024): 168-179.
"Surface—subsurface grain structure relationships." Acta Materialia 266 (2024): 119660.
"Subsurface microstructure effects on surface resolved slip activity." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 196 (2025): 106023.