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Influence of non-glide stresses on {1012} twin boundary migration in magnesium." Computational Materials Science 246 (2025): 113414.
"Local hardening and asymmetric twin growth by twin-twin interactions in a Mg alloy." Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (2023): 176-191.
"Simultaneous high strength and mechanical stability of bcc Nb/Mg nanolaminates." Acta Materialia 242 (2023): 118487.
"Twin nucleation from disconnection-dense sites between stacking fault pairs in a random defect network." Materialia 30 (2023): 101835.
"Effect of void morphology on void facilitated plasticity in irradiated Cu/Nb metallic nanolayered composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 558 (2022): 153380.
"Effect of void morphology on void facilitated plasticity in irradiated Cu/Nb metallic nanolayered composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 558 (2022): 153380.
"Heterostructured stainless steel: Properties, current trends, and future perspectives." Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 150 (2022): 100691.
"Phase transition in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi under quasi-isentropic compression." International Journal of Plasticity 157 (2022): 103389.
"Room Temperature Deformation-induced Solute Segregation and its Impact on Twin Boundary Mobility in a Mg-Y Alloy." Scripta Materialia 209 (2022): 114375.
"Shock-induced amorphization in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Scripta Materialia 209 (2022): 114379.
"Accommodation and formation of 1¯012 twins in Mg-Y alloys." Acta Materialia 204 (2021): 116514.
"Manipulating deformation mechanisms with Y alloying of Mg." Materials Science and Engineering: A 817 (2021): 141373.
"Plasticity and structure evolution of ferrite and martensite in DP 1180 during tension and cyclic bending under tension to large strains." Materials Science and Engineering: A 820 (2021): 141536.
"Role of local chemical fluctuations in the shock dynamics of medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Acta Materialia 221 (2021): 117380.
"Effects of lattice distortion and chemical short-range order on the mechanisms of deformation in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Acta Materialia 199 (2020): 352-369.
"Interface facilitated transformation of voids directly into stacking fault tetrahedra." Acta Materialia 188 (2020): 623-634.
"Predicting the size scaling in strength of nanolayered materials by a discrete slip crystal plasticity model." International Journal of Plasticity 124 (2020): 247-260.
"Role of twinning on the omega-phase transformation and stability in zirconium." Acta Materialia 185 (2020): 211-217.
"Toughening magnesium with gradient twin meshes." Acta Materialia 195 (2020): 468-481.
"Role of twinning on the omega-phase transformation and stability in zirconium." Acta Materialia 185 (2019).
"Strength and ductility of bulk Cu/Nb nanolaminates exposed to extremely high temperatures." Scripta Materialia 166 (2019): 73-77.
"Strength and ductility of bulk Cu/Nb nanolaminates exposed to extremely high temperatures." Scripta Materialia 166 (2019): 73-77.
"Stronger and more failure-resistant with three-dimensional serrated bimetal interfaces." Acta Materialia 166 (2019): 231-245.
"Enhancing strength and thermal stability of TWIP steels with a heterogeneous structure." Materials Science and Engineering: A 720 (2018): 231-237.
"Effects of He radiation on cavity distribution and hardness of bulk nanolayered Cu-Nb composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 487 (2017): 311-316.