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3D interface size effects on slip transfer in Ti/Nb nanolaminates." International Journal of Plasticity 186 (2025): 104246.
"3D interfaces enhance nanolaminate strength and deformability in multiple loading orientations." Acta Materialia 267 (2024): 119697.
"Chemical short-range order enhances fracture toughness of medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024): 171903.
"Deformation mechanisms and defect structures in Heusler intermetallic MnCu2Al." Acta Materialia 268 (2024): 119711.
"Role of stacking fault energy in confined layer slip in nanolaminated Cu." Journal of Materials Science 59 (2024): 4775-4787.
"Critical length scales for chemical heterogeneity at Cu/Nb 3D interfaces by atom probe tomography." Scripta Materialia 223 (2023): 115078.
"Interaction of extended dislocations with nanovoid clusters." International Journal of Plasticity 168 (2023): 103684.
"Investigation of twin growth mechanisms in precipitate hardened AZ91." Acta Materialia 242 (2023): 118471.
"Multi-scale investigation of short-range order and dislocation glide in MoNbTi and TaNbTi multi-principal element alloys." npj Computational Materials 9 (2023): 89.
"Multi-scale investigation of short-range order and dislocation glide in MoNbTi and TaNbTi multi-principal element alloys." npj Computational Materials 9 (2023).
"Role of stacking fault energy in confined layer slip in nanolaminated Cu." Journal of Materials Science (2023).
"Atomistic simulations of the local slip resistances in four refractory multi-principal element alloys." International Journal of Plasticity 149 (2022): 103157.
"On the deformation behavior of CoCrNi medium entropy alloys: Unraveling mechanistic competition." International Journal of Plasticity 159 (2022): 103442.
"Dislocation dynamics in heterogeneous nanostructured materials." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 168 (2022): 105031.
"Energetically favorable dislocation/nanobubble bypass mechanism in irradiation conditions." Acta Materialia 230 (2022): 117849.
"Fabrication and Characterization of High-Quality Epitaxial Nanocolumnar Niobium Films with Abrupt Interfaces on YSZ(001)." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022): 2098-2107.
"Ideal simple shear strengths of two HfNbTaTi-based quinary refractory multi-principal element alloys." APL Materials 10 (2022): 111107.
"Line-length-dependent dislocation glide in refractory multi-principal element alloys." Applied Physics Letters 120 (2022): 061901.
"Phase transition in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi under quasi-isentropic compression." International Journal of Plasticity 157 (2022): 103389.
"Phase transition in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi under quasi-isentropic compression." International Journal of Plasticity 157 (2022): 103389.
"Phase-field modeling of the interactions between an edge dislocation and an array of obstacles." Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389 (2022): 114426.
"Role of layer thickness and dislocation distribution in confined layer slip in nanolaminated Nb." International Journal of Plasticity 152 (2022): 103239.
"Shock-induced amorphization in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Scripta Materialia 209 (2022): 114379.
"Shock-induced amorphization in medium entropy alloy CoCrNi." Scripta Materialia 209 (2022): 114379.
"Simultaneous High-Strength and Deformable Nanolaminates With Thick Biphase Interfaces." Nano Letters 22 (2022): 1897-1904.