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Influence of non-glide stresses on {1012} twin boundary migration in magnesium." Computational Materials Science 246 (2025): 113414.
"3D interfaces enhance nanolaminate strength and deformability in multiple loading orientations." Acta Materialia 267 (2024): 119697.
"Deformation mechanisms and defect structures in Heusler intermetallic MnCu2Al." Acta Materialia 268 (2024): 119711.
"Resolving crystallographic geometrically necessary dislocations in three dimensions in a hexagonal close packed titanium alloy." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 32 (2024): 065035.
"On the role of geometrically necessary dislocations in void formation and growth in response to shock loading conditions in wrought and additively manufactured Ta." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 31 (2024): 3035-3049.
"Controlling the Plastic Anisotropy of Magnesium Alloy by Tailoring the Grain Size and Yttrium Content." Crystals 13 (2023): 115.
"Embedding strain-rate sensitivities of multiple deformation mechanisms to predict the behavior of a precipitate-hardened WE43 alloy under a wide range of strain rates." Mechanics of Materials 187 (2023): 104843.
"Evidence of twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) and ultrahigh hardness in additively-manufactured near-eutectic Ni–Nb." Journal of Materials Science 58 (2023): 9723-9736.
"Grain boundary slip – twin transmission in titanium." Acta Materialia 244 (2023): 118556.
"Insights into Plastic Localization by Crystallographic Slip from Emerging Experimental and Numerical Approaches." Annual Review of Materials Research 53 (2023): 275-317.
"Investigation of crossed-twin structure formation in magnesium and magnesium alloys." Journal of Alloys and Compounds 935 (2023): 168094.
"Local hardening and asymmetric twin growth by twin-twin interactions in a Mg alloy." Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (2023): 176-191.
"Local hardening and asymmetric twin growth by twin-twin interactions in a Mg alloy." Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (2023): 176-191.
"Models of dislocation glide and strengthening mechanisms in bcc complex concentrated alloys." MRS Bulletin 48 (2023): 777-789.
"Subgrain geometrically necessary dislocation density mapping in spalled Ta in three dimensions." Acta Materialia 244 (2023): 118366.
"Twin nucleation from disconnection-dense sites between stacking fault pairs in a random defect network." Materialia 30 (2023): 101835.
"Twin suppression by atomic scale engineering of precipitate-matrix interfaces." Acta Materialia 248 (2023): 118797.
"Boundary characterization using 3D mapping of geometrically necessary dislocations in AM Ta microstructure." Journal of Materials Science 57 (2022): 9885-9902.
"Room Temperature Deformation-induced Solute Segregation and its Impact on Twin Boundary Mobility in a Mg-Y Alloy." Scripta Materialia 209 (2022): 114375.
"Texture evolution and temperature-dependent deformation modes in ambient- and cryogenic-rolled nanolayered Zr-2.5Nb." Acta Materialia 234 (2022): 118023.
"Visualization and validation of twin nucleation and early-stage growth in magnesium." Nature Communications 13 (2022): 20.
"Visualization and validation of twin nucleation and early-stage growth in magnesium." Nature Communications 13 (2022): 20.
"Visualization and validation of twin nucleation and early-stage growth in magnesium." Nature Communications 13 (2022): 20.
"Accommodation and formation of 1¯012 twins in Mg-Y alloys." Acta Materialia 204 (2021): 116514.
"Dislocation-induced Y segregation at basal-prismatic interfaces in Mg." Computational Materials Science 188 (2021): 110241.