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Kumar, Anil, Bouzid Kedjar, Yanqing Su, Ludovic Thilly, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "Atomic-level calculations and experimental study of dislocations in InSb." Journal of Applied Physics 127 (2020): 135104.
Hu, Yang, Vladyslav Turlo, Irene J. Beyerlein, Subhash Mahajan, Enrique J. Lavernia, Julie M. Schoenung, and Timothy J. Rupert. "Disconnection-mediated twin embryo growth in Mg." Acta Materialia 194 (2020): 437-451.
Hu, Yang, Vladyslav Turlo, Irene J. Beyerlein, Subhash Mahajan, Enrique J. Lavernia, Julie M. Schoenung, and Timothy J. Rupert. "Embracing the Chaos: Alloying Adds Stochasticity to Twin Embryo Growth." Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020): 205503.
Savage, Daniel J., Brandon A. McWilliams, Sven C. Vogel, Carl P. Trujillo, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Erratum to Mechanical behavior and texture evolution of WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy in Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar and Taylor Impact Cylinder Testing International Journal of Impact Engineering Volume 143 (2020) 103589." International Journal of Impact Engineering 144 (2020): 103656.
Savage, Daniel J., Brandon A. McWilliams, Sven C. Vogel, Carl P. Trujillo, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Marko Knezevic. "Mechanical behavior and texture evolution of WE43 magnesium-rare earth alloy in Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar and Taylor Impact Cylinder Testing." International Journal of Impact Engineering 143 (2020): 103589.
M. Arul Kumar, N. Hilairet, R.J. McCabe, T. Yu, Y. Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, and C.N. Tomé. "Role of twinning on the omega-phase transformation and stability in zirconium." Acta Materialia 185 (2020): 211-217.
