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I.J. Beyerlein, and C.M. Landis. "Shear-lag model for failure simulations of unidirectional fiber composites including matrix stiffness." Mechanics of Materials 31 (1999): 331-350.
Cheng, Justin Y., Shuozhi Xu, Youxing Chen, Zezhou Li, Jon K. Baldwin, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Nathan A. Mara. "Simultaneous High-Strength and Deformable Nanolaminates With Thick Biphase Interfaces." Nano Letters 22 (2022): 1897-1904.
Z.Q. Wang, I.J. Beyerlein, and R. LeSar. "Slip band formation and mobile dislocation density generation in high rate deformation of single fcc crystals." Philosophical Magazine 88 (2008): 1321-1343.
M. Knezevic, I.J. Beyerlein, M.L. Lovato, C.N. Tomé, A.W. Richards, and R.J. McCabe. "A strain-rate and temperature dependent constitutive model for BCC metals incorporating non-Schmid effects: Application to tantalum–tungsten alloys." International Journal of Plasticity 62 (2014): 93-104.
M. Lentz, M. Risse, N. Schaefer, W. Reimers, and I.J. Beyerlein. "Strength and ductility with {1011}-{1012} double twinning in a magnesium alloy." Nature Communications 7 (2016): 11068.
H. Jiang, J.A. Valdez, Y.T. Zhu, I.J. Beyerlein, and T.C. Lowe. "The strength and toughness of cement reinforced with bone-shaped steel wires." Composites Science and Technology 60 (2000): 1753-1761.
Subedi, Samikshya, Irene J. Beyerlein, Richard LeSar, and Anthony D. Rollett. "Strength of nanoscale metallic multilayers." Scripta Materialia 145 (2018): 132-136.
Kong, X.F., I.J. Beyerlein, Z.R. Liu, B.N. Yao, D. Legut, T.C. Germann, and R.F. Zhang. "Stronger and more failure-resistant with three-dimensional serrated bimetal interfaces." Acta Materialia 166 (2019): 231-245.
Kong, X.F., I.J. Beyerlein, Z.R. Liu, B.N. Yao, D. Legut, T.C. Germann, and R.F. Zhang. "Stronger and more failure-resistant with three-dimensional serrated bimetal interfaces." Acta Materialia 166 (2019): 231-245.
Christodoulou, Paul G., Ricardo A. Lebensohn, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "Study of the interplay between lower-order and higher-order energetic strain-gradient effects in polycrystal plasticity." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 164 (2022): 104906.
Guo, Y.Q., S.H. Zhang, I.J. Beyerlein, D. Legut, S.L. Shang, Z.K. Liu, and R.F. Zhang. "Synergetic effects of solute and strain in biocompatible Zn-based and Mg-based alloys." Acta Materialia 181 (2019): 423-438.
Guo, Y.Q., S.H. Zhang, I.J. Beyerlein, D. Legut, S.L. Shang, Z.K. Liu, and R.F. Zhang. "Synergetic effects of solute and strain in biocompatible Zn-based and Mg-based alloys." Acta Materialia 181 (2019): 423-438.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and S.C. Vogel. "Texture evolution during equal channel angular extrusion: Effect of initial texture from experiment and simulation." Scripta Materialia 52 (2005): 1099-1104.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, D.J. Alexander, and S.C. Vogel. "Texture evolution during multi-pass equal channel angular extrusion of copper: Neutron diffraction characterization and polycrystal modeling." Acta Materialia 53 (2005): 2111-2125.
S. Li, I.J. Beyerlein, and M.A.M. Bourke. "Texture formation during equal channel angular extrusion of fcc and bcc materials: Comparison with simple shear." Materials Science and Engineering A 394 (2005): 66-77.
S.C. Vogel, I.J. Beyerlein, M.A.M. Bourke, C.N. Tomé, P. Rangaswamy, Cheng Xu, and T.G. Langdon. "Texture in equal-channel angular pressed aluminum and nickel." Materials Science Forum 408-412 (2002): 673-678.
Liu, Hong, Fengxiang Lin, Nele Moelans, Liming Peng, Jian-Feng Nie, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "Three-dimensional shape and stress field of a deformation twin in magnesium." Acta Materialia 250 (2023): 118845.
Liu, Hong, Fengxiang Lin, Nele Moelans, Liming Peng, Jian-Feng Nie, and Irene J. Beyerlein. "Three-dimensional shape and stress field of a deformation twin in magnesium." Acta Materialia 250 (2023): 118845.
Wang, Xin, Lin Jiang, Chase Cooper, Kehang Yu, Dalong Zhang, Timothy J. Rupert, Subhash Mahajan, Irene J. Beyerlein, Enrique J. Lavernia, and Julie M. Schoenung. "Toughening magnesium with gradient twin meshes." Acta Materialia 195 (2020): 468-481.
Jiang, Lin, M. Arul Kumar, Irene J. Beyerlein, Xin Wang, Dalong Zhang, Chuandong Wu, Chase Cooper, Timothy J. Rupert, Subhash Mahajan, Enrique J. Lavernia et al. "Twin formation from a twin boundary in Mg during in-situ nanomechanical testing." Materials Science and Engineering: A 759 (2019): 142-153.
Zhang, Jie-Wen, Brandon Leu, M. Arul Kumar, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Wei-Zhong Han. "Twin hopping in nanolayered Zr-2.5Nb." Materials Research Letters 8 (2020): 307-313.
