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Influence of non-glide stresses on {1012} twin boundary migration in magnesium." Computational Materials Science 246 (2025): 113414.
"Annealing cracking in Zr and a Zr-alloy with low hydrogen concentration." Journal of Materials Science & Technology 182 (2024): 165-175.
"Deformation mechanisms and defect structures in Heusler intermetallic MnCu2Al." Acta Materialia 268 (2024): 119711.
"Mechanism of solute hardening and dislocation debris-mediated ductilization in Nb-Si alloy." Journal of Materials Science & Technology 203 (2024): 167-179.
"Resolving crystallographic geometrically necessary dislocations in three dimensions in a hexagonal close packed titanium alloy." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 32 (2024): 065035.
"On the role of geometrically necessary dislocations in void formation and growth in response to shock loading conditions in wrought and additively manufactured Ta." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 31 (2024): 3035-3049.
"Critical length scales for chemical heterogeneity at Cu/Nb 3D interfaces by atom probe tomography." Scripta Materialia 223 (2023): 115078.
"Evidence of twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) and ultrahigh hardness in additively-manufactured near-eutectic Ni–Nb." Journal of Materials Science 58 (2023): 9723-9736.
"Graph neural networks for efficient learning of mechanical properties of polycrystals." Computational Materials Science 217 (2023): 111894.
"Insights into Plastic Localization by Crystallographic Slip from Emerging Experimental and Numerical Approaches." Annual Review of Materials Research 53 (2023): 275-317.
"Integrating in-situ multi-modal characterizations with signatures to investigate localized deformation." Materials Characterization 205 (2023): 113332.
"Interaction of extended dislocations with nanovoid clusters." International Journal of Plasticity 168 (2023): 103684.
"Investigation of twin growth mechanisms in precipitate hardened AZ91." Acta Materialia 242 (2023): 118471.
"Local hardening and asymmetric twin growth by twin-twin interactions in a Mg alloy." Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 11 (2023): 176-191.
"Micromechanical Fields Associated with Irregular Deformation Twins in Magnesium." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 32 (2023): 2688-2699.
"Multi-scale investigation of short-range order and dislocation glide in MoNbTi and TaNbTi multi-principal element alloys." npj Computational Materials 9 (2023): 89.
"Multi-scale investigation of short-range order and dislocation glide in MoNbTi and TaNbTi multi-principal element alloys." npj Computational Materials 9 (2023).
"Role of grain boundary crystallography on void growth in FCC metals." International Journal of Plasticity 171 (2023): 103803.
"Three-dimensional shape and stress field of a deformation twin in magnesium." Acta Materialia 250 (2023): 118845.
"Three-dimensional shape and stress field of a deformation twin in magnesium." Acta Materialia 250 (2023): 118845.
"Twin nucleation from disconnection-dense sites between stacking fault pairs in a random defect network." Materialia 30 (2023): 101835.
"Development of grain-scale slip activity and lattice rotation fields in Inconel 718." Acta Materialia 226 (2022): 117627.
"Effect of void morphology on void facilitated plasticity in irradiated Cu/Nb metallic nanolayered composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 558 (2022): 153380.
"Geometrically necessary dislocation density evolution as a function of microstructure and strain rate." Materials Science and Engineering: A 831 (2022): 142224.
"Geometrically necessary dislocation density evolution as a function of microstructure and strain rate." Materials Science and Engineering: A 831 (2022): 142224.