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Stress and strain relaxation in magnesium AZ31 rolled plate: In-situ neutron measurement and elastic viscoplastic polycrystal modeling." International Journal of Plasticity 79 (2016): 275-292.
"On the strength of dislocation interactions and their effect on latent hardening in pure magnesium." International Journal of Plasticity 62 (2014): 72-92.
"Hybrid dislocation dynamics based strain hardening constitutive model." International Journal of Plasticity 49 (2013): 119-144.
"Multi-scale modeling of texture evolution in beryllium and zirconium during equal channel angular extrusion." Materials Science Forum: Ductility of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 633-634 (2010): 483-510.
"The role of elastic anisotropy on plasticity in hcp metals: A three-dimensional dislocation dynamics study." Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18 (2010): 085002.
"Statistical analyses of deformation twinning in magnesium." Philosophical Magazine 90 (2010): 2161-2190.
"On the interaction between slip dislocations and twins in HCP Zr." Materials Science and Engineering: A 513 (2009): 42-51.
"Nucleation and growth of twins in Zr: a statistical study." Acta Materialia 57 (2009): 6047-6056.
"Nucleation of a (1012) twin in hexagonal close-packed crystals." Scripta Materialia 61 (2009): 903-906.
"Slip-assisted twin growth in hexagonal close-packed metals." Scripta Materialia 60 (2009): 32-35.
"Nucleation and stability of twins in hcp metals." Physical Review B 78 (2008): 024117.