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Data-driven texture design for reducing elastic and plastic anisotropy in titanium alloys." Acta Materialia 265 (2024): 119585.
"Designing Ti-6Al-4V microstructure for strain delocalization using neural networks." Journal of Materials Science: Materials Theory 8 (2024): 4.
"Role of microstructure on the development of local orientation gradients in polycrystals." Journal of Materials Research and Technology 33 (2024): 168-179.
"Evidence of twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) and ultrahigh hardness in additively-manufactured near-eutectic Ni–Nb." Journal of Materials Science 58 (2023): 9723-9736.
"Grain boundary slip – twin transmission in titanium." Acta Materialia 244 (2023): 118556.
"Temperature dependent phase field dislocation dynamics model." European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 100 (2023): 104987.
"Effect of void morphology on void facilitated plasticity in irradiated Cu/Nb metallic nanolayered composites." Journal of Nuclear Materials 558 (2022): 153380.
"Heterostructured stainless steel: Properties, current trends, and future perspectives." Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 150 (2022): 100691.
"Asymmetric equilibrium core structures of pyramidal-II $\ensuremath\langlec+a\ensuremathångle$ dislocations in ten hexagonal-close-packed metals." Phys. Rev. Mater. 5 (2021): 043602.
"Deformation twin interactions with grain boundary particles in multi-phase magnesium alloys." Acta Materialia 219 (2021): 117225.
"Effect of neighboring grain orientation on strain localization in slip bands in HCP materials." International Journal of Plasticity 144 (2021): 103026.
"Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction." Materials Research Letters 9 (2021): 1-31.
"Heterostructured materials: superior properties from hetero-zone interaction." Materials Research Letters 9 (2021): 1-31.
"Elastic constants of pure body-centered cubic Mg in nanolaminates." Computational Materials Science 174 (2020): 109501.
"Experimental characterization and crystal plasticity modeling of anisotropy, tension-compression asymmetry, and texture evolution of additively manufactured Inconel 718 at room and elevated temperatures." International Journal of Plasticity 125 (2020): 63-79.
"A phase field model for dislocations in hexagonal close packed crystals." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137 (2020): 103823.
"Processing of Dilute Mg–Zn–Mn–Ca Alloy/Nb Multilayers by Accumulative Roll Bonding." Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (2020): 1900673.
"Rare-earth- and aluminum-free, high strength dilute magnesium alloy for Biomedical Applications." Scientific Reports 10 (2020): 15839.
"Modeling of trans-grain twin transmission in AZ31 via a neighborhood-based viscoplastic self-consistent model." International Journal of Plasticity 117 (2019): 21-32.
"Room temperature deformation mechanisms of Mg/Nb nanolayered composites." Journal of Materials Research 33 (2018): 1311-1332.
"Effect of dislocation density-twin interactions on twin growth in AZ31 as revealed by explicit crystal plasticity finite element modeling." International Journal of Plasticity 99 (2017): 81-101.
"Strain fields induced by kink band propagation in Cu-Nb nanolaminate composites." Acta Materialia 133 (2017): 303-315.
"The plasticity of highly oriented nano-layered Zr/Nb composites." Acta Materialia 115 (2016): 189-203.
"Strain rate and temperature sensitive multi-level crystal plasticity model for large plastic deformation behavior: Application to AZ31 magnesium alloy." International Journal of Plasticity 83 (2016): 90-109.
"Tensile behavior and flow stress anisotropy of accumulative roll bonded Cu-Nb nanolaminates." Applied Physics Letters 108 (2016): 051903.