New Paper: 3D interface size effects on slip transfer in Ti/Nb nanolaminates
January 23, 2025
Two-phase nanolaminates are well-renowned for achieving extraordinarily high strengths but at the sacrifice of reduced toughness and strain to failure. In this work, we study the effect of 3D interfaces in the hexagonal close packed (HCP)/body centered cubic (BCC) Ti/Nb nanolaminate system using nanoindentation hardness testing and a phase-field dislocation dynamics (PFDD) model for multi-phase HCP/BCC systems. We employ the model to simulate stress-driven transfer of single dislocations across 3D Ti/Nb interfaces of various thicknesses. This work showcases 3D interfaces as a beneficial microstructure modification to strengthen as well as reduce anisotropy in nanocrystalline materials containing HCP phases.